Sunday, February 20, 2011


I struggled a lot to get out of bed this morning... I was comfortable, I was exhausted and just needed another 2 hours sleep. But I dragged myself out of bed and straight into the shower. Woke myself up and dragged myself to work. But not before looking in the mirror and seeing something I really didn't like. This time last year I had lost 8 kgs. I was happy with my body and felt confident. I have managed to put that 8kgs back on and I look and feel terrible. So... following this epiphany I have decided to go back on the diet that I was on last year. No processed foods. I'm heading to Zumba tonight to get back into that and hope to get time to visit the gym another two times per week as well as Zumba. So trying to not put myself in way of temptation. I know I can do this. I did it last year so I can do it again. I just need self control.
On a few other notes... Tropfest was fun and awesome to hang out with the WAGS and bro. Thanks for coming James, Amber, Laraine and Davannah!! I had fun!
No news on the Pokernews Hostess Hunt. They have cast the EPT Hostess, congratulations to Laura Cornelius! I am going to remain positive and keep my hopes up because this is a position that I really want. Looking forward to hopefully having the chance to meet Lynn Gilmartin and Matthew Parvis for a chat if that happens! :) In the meantime keep voting for me at THANKYOU!
Got talking to a man on the train this morning. I offered him my seat as he is blind but he politely refused saying that he couldn't take a seat from a lady. Very sweet but I was totally keen to give him my seat but in the end we both stood and chatted the whole way to Redfern. He has been blind for 10 years but has learnt to move on with life and even cracked a few jokes, "Nice to meet you Alison, Hope to 'see' you soon." His name is David and I hope I do run into him again. He was inspiring. My chance encounter this morning with him encouraged me to have faith and believe that all things are possible. It certainly made the struggle to get out of bed a little easier.
I'm at work now and not motivated to do work. I feel my time could be better used elsewhere but I will press on and complete the day.
Brendon's 21st is in 3 weeks. Looking forward to that! Should be an amazing night of fun! Here is a fun photo of us from last year. Brendon is so awesome and has encouraged me and been there for me a lot, particularly in the last year! Looking forward to more adventures with him!
Signing out (and potentially doing some kind of work at work...) A.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Settling down and in...

Well, I'm out of Haberfield and into little Asia of Sydney... Campsie. Thanks to the wonderful help of James and Laraine I have moved all of my things over and am starting to unpack now. What a huge job. But thankfully I was able to find a place to settle in to for a short term period now anyways.
Now... to cull. I have so much stuff that I really don't need. Uni notes from 10 years ago, (can't believe it's been that long!) letters I used to get from my best friend when I was 12!!, just general crap that I really don't need to keep. Gotta get the sentimental side out of me for a fortnight so I can cut back on stuff so the next move isn't as painful!
But have also enjoyed some moments of the last 2 weeks. Daniel and Amber's wedding was perfect in every way. They are such a gorgeous couple.
Lisa and Mark's engagement party was a lot of fun. Bridesmaid again and looking forward to it. Lisa is so organised! Love that girl.
Got a promotion at work! Woohoo!! Now just waiting to hear back about the Pokernews job but I am not confident about it. I really want the job so hoping that I do get it but there are other videos on there with girls that could also get the job. Fingers crossed!!
Better get back to work. Enjoy these wedding pics...